How To Get Your Child Excited About Dental Health Through Constructive Play

Dentist Blog

The importance of a healthy mouth needs to be taught to your child while they are still young. By cultivating proper ways to brush and care for your teeth at a young age, your child will develop these habits early on and carry them through to adulthood. Teaching the importance of a clean mouth will also help to ensure your child never ends up in the dentist chair for cavities or gum disease. A child learns best when there is constructive play involved, so below are two of the most fun and creative activities that you can do with your child in order to lay the ground work for healthy dental habits.

Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect is a game that you and your child can play that will establish the importance of healthy eating habits. Gather various newspapers and magazines and cut of different pictures of healthy foods and unhealthy foods. Play this game during your child's regular snack time so that you can incorporate healthy foods, such as apple slices or cheese.

When your plate of healthy treats is prepared, sit your child down and help them cut out pictures of different foods, both healthy and unhealthy. Hold up each picture, one at a time, and have your child tell you if the picture you are holding up is a healthy food or a food that will damage your teeth. Place each picture in their own separate piles. Every time your child is right, give them a piece of the healthy snack. By rewarding them for the right answer, it will ensure they are paying attention and it will get them excited to learn about the importance of eating healthy foods to protect your teeth.

Healthy Food Face

This is another game that is great to play at snack time because after you are finished you can eat the face that you created. Making a Healthy Food Face is simple. Gather together a paper plate, yoghurt and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Cut the fruits and vegetables into shapes that mimic facial features. Have your young one dip the healthy treats in the yoghurt and stick them on the plate to make a face.

While your child thinks that they are playing, begin a discussion of why certain foods are better for your teeth than others. Explain to them the effects that sugar has on your teeth and express the importance of watching what you eat. Your child will be learning more than you know, while you are giving them something yummy for their tummy.

Constructive play is the best way to open your child up to learning about the importance of great dental hygiene. By using the games mention above, you will be able to get your child on the road to healthy eating and a healthy dental lifestyle. Contact a dentist, like those at AaRon Pivotal Point Dental, for additional ideas on how to help your child.


26 September 2014

Quitting smoking at last

I have tried to quit smoking three times over the last few years, but it never really stuck. My mother just got diagnosed with lung cancer, and it's given me the wakeup call that I have been waiting for. I have quit smoking again, but this time I spoke to my doctor before I started and it's made a lot of difference. He organised some nicotine replacement products and counselling to help me quit for good this time. I have started this blog to let people know how much easier it is to quit when your doctor is helping you.