What Makes the Rowing Machine Such an Effective Fitness Tool?


There are plenty of exercise machines that you can choose from when you enter gyms, and each one is going to bring its own unique benefits. However, few machines are going to be quite as advantageous as the rowing machine. Unfortunately, the rowing machine is often somewhat neglected since it can be hard to get into the right rhythm and doesn't seem quite as straightforward to use as something like the treadmill.

16 January 2017

How to Handle Neck Pain

Health & Medical Blog

Necks are a sensitive part of the body and you should not treat neck pain lightly. If you experience neck pain, then always consider obtaining a professional medical opinion or visiting a chiropractor for advice. Nevertheless, many of us can help our necks by paying attention to our lifestyles and making a few changes which will allow for improvements. Fed up of neck pain? Take a look at what you could be doing to make it better.

16 January 2017

How A Hearing Aid Could Improve Your Quality of Life, Not Just Your Hearing

Health & Medical Blog

Hearing loss can adversely affect many aspects of your life. Not being able to hear clearly can damage your relationships, put you at risk in emergencies, and affect how well you are able to carry out your job. Here are some very good reasons why you should consider seeking medical advice and getting yourself fitted with a hearing aid if you think your hearing is starting to deteriorate. Your mental health

16 January 2017

4 Signs You Might Have Hit a Weight Lifting Plateau


One of the worst things that can happen to someone who lifts weights is hitting a plateau. This means that your results are levelling out and you aren't really challenging yourself anymore. Unfortunately, people often fail to realise that they have reached a plateau. Here are just four signs to watch out for. 1. You No Longer Experience Soreness To a certain extent, the notion that there is 'no gain without pain' is true.

13 January 2017

How To Beat Sleep Apnea Naturally

Health & Medical Blog

Sleep disorders including sleep apnea affect over 1.5 million Australians. More worryingly, 80% of these people have not been diagnosed. Sleep apnea, though, is a dangerous sleep disorder that you can't afford to ignore. How Sleep Apnea Occurs The disorder occurs when the throat muscles relax too much when someone is sleeping; this narrows the windpipe and restricts airflow. The body reacts by initiating mechanisms that help in pulling in more air.

13 January 2017

How You Can Use Osteopathic Exercises To Treat Sciatica

Health & Medical Blog

Have you ever experienced a pain that starts at your lower back and travels down to your legs through your buttocks? This pain is known as sciatica or sciatic pain, and it is caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve. The pain can be so intense to an extent where you don't want to move or get off from your couch. You can also experience weakness in your legs or numbness and tingling sensations.

13 January 2017

2 Headphone Limitations That Will Stop Your Teen From Becoming One of the Billions Losing Their Hearing

Health & Medical Blog

While hearing loss is a problem generally thought of as a lifelong condition or one which begins with old age, more and more young teens are seeing a decline in their ability to hear. The World Health Organization has estimated that a staggering 1.1 billion teenagers may lose their hearing in the future due to headphone use. In-ear headphones, also known as earbuds, are a particular concern as they blast music directly into the ear canal.

13 January 2017