
2 Headphone Limitations That Will Stop Your Teen From Becoming One of the Billions Losing Their Hearing

Health & Medical Blog

While hearing loss is a problem generally thought of as a lifelong condition or one which begins with old age, more and more young teens are seeing a decline in their ability to hear. The World Health Organization has estimated that a staggering 1.1 billion teenagers may lose their hearing in the future due to headphone use. In-ear headphones, also known as earbuds, are a particular concern as they blast music directly into the ear canal.

13 January 2017

Correcting droopy eyelids as you age

Health & Medical Blog

Hooded eyes can be a sexy and mysterious feature when you are young, but some people find as they age that their eyelids droop too far and start to impede their vision. This can be embarrassing and can stop people from doing the activities that they enjoy. Luckily a simple eyelid surgery can reduce the excess skin on the eyelid and make it much easier to see. Here are the steps in getting eyelid reduction, 

12 January 2017

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Chiropractor Savior You Should Consider


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be a very debilitating ailment and to make things worse, it can often be very hard to diagnose and even harder to effectively treat. Medicinal remedies can provide some relief, but will merely mask the root cause of what is causing chronic fatigue syndrome. There are some telltale signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), including: Joint pain, that is not swollen or red Increased and exacerbating fatigue and tiredness Memory loss and a struggle to concentrate Unexplained muscle soreness Poor sleep that feels ineffective Headaches and sore throats It's important not to jump the gun and misdiagnose a simple bout of tiredness for CFS, but when the time comes to seek help for the condition there is one place you can look to outside of traditional medicine.

11 January 2017

Covering scarring with a cosmetic tattoo


If a person has severe scarring to their face or another part of their body, this usually leads to their scar tissues remaining a shiny pink texture and not taking on the same skin tone and colour as the surrounding area. This can be an source of embarrassment to the scarred person, so there is a growing movement to correct the colour balance on the scarred tissue. Here are some ways that people are using cosmetic tattooing to deal with facial burns.

10 January 2017

What Is It about Your Smile That You're Not Happy with?

Dentist Blog

You may be finally ready to take action and do something about your smile. You may after all have been living a self-conscious life, constantly worried about your appearance. Perhaps you've even been putting your hand in front of your mouth when you laugh, so people could not see your teeth. Yet what is it that you're not happy about? How can you and your dentist determine the best course of action for you now?

10 January 2017

Two reasons to book an eye exam now


If you don't have any medical conditions which predispose you to ocular problems, going for eye exams once every two years should be enough to keep your eyes healthy. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms on a regular basis,  it is not advisable to wait that long to have your eyes checked; instead, you should book an appointment with your optometrist as soon as possible. Cloudy vision or light sensitivity

10 January 2017

Travel Advice for Businesspeople Heading to Singapore

Health & Medical Blog

Largely due to the free trade agreement that exists between Singapore and Australia, there are a great number of business trips that are undertaken each year to the country by Australians. Although Singapore is a highly developed country with extremely low crime rates—especially concerning visiting businesspeople and tourists—there are a number of things to take into account ahead of any intended trip. Entry and Exit All adult Australian citizens are required to have a scan of their thumbprint taken on every occasion that they enter and exit Singapore.

21 December 2016

How robotic surgery can help you to recover more quickly and comfortably from vascular surgery

Health & Medical Blog

Human hands can perform delicate tasks, but in the newest iterations of surgery, robotic tools are helping to further refine and improve surgical techniques. Here are some of the ways that robotic surgery is helping to transform vascular surgery.  Placement of valves Robotic surgery can help surgeons to place a valve in the correct position by letting them insert an expandable valve (often known as a stent) into an artery to expand a collapsed artery.

19 December 2016

Pregnancy Ultrasound - What To Expect

Health & Medical Blog

Ultrasounds are carried out during pregnancy to enable medical professionals to monitor the development of your baby and to highlight any problems.  So what can you expect when you attend for an ultrasound scan?  Read on for a helpful overview. How many scans will you need? If your pregnancy is normal, you will be offered two scans.  The first usually takes place between 8 to 14 weeks and the second from 18 to 21 weeks.

19 December 2016

Purple Leg Veins — Treatment Options

Health & Medical Blog

Purple leg veins are something that many men and women develop as they age. These varicose veins are unsightly and can also be painful. But what can you do about the dreaded 'purple snakes'? Read on to find out how a vascular surgeon could help you. The causes of varicose veins Varicose veins are formed when the valves inside the veins are damaged. This prevents efficient blood flow back to the heart and causes a build-up of pressure inside the venous network.

19 December 2016